A butt weld is the easiest and most foolish mutual ought weld, and too same common. This is a great mutual ought use when practicing welding because a beginner.

1) earn crude indispensable equipment. This ought be a welding machine, electrode and workpiece clamps (and their leads), a
welding helmet darker than shade 10, welding gloves, and strong safety clothing.

2) Prepare the metal ought be welded. This includes grinding down hoarse edges and cleaning the areas ought be welded.

3) Bevel the border of the metal if it is thicker than â4 inch (0.6Â cm). Beveling allows because better penetration of the root pass and subsequent passes. Beveling can be done with an oxy-fuel torch or a plasma arc cutter, besides during isn't indispensable above thinner metal.

4) Align your metal ought create sure the edges queue up well. They ought be even and align cleanly.

5) grow your pieces over. This ought be the even phase if above or more pieces are beveled, or the phase you don't expect ought depart welding.

6) isolate the pieces a tiny sheet and lay the amperage above your machinery almost 10 percent higher than the even you intend ought use welding the metal. So, if you are going ought use 100 amps ought create your weld(s), lay your amperage at 110 amps.

7) create tack welds. These will know the metal together and hinder it from warping or bending inside when the weld is finished. ought create a tack weld, impress an arc and depart it sit because a little seconds. A little tack welds are often needed and you ought be able ought interval them with a hammer or wrench.

8) Flip your metal above ought be welded.

9) impress an arc and create your root pass. This is going ought be the first and deepest pass above your weld, and if the metal is thick enough, the only pass you'll need. if you beveled the steel depart at the bottom because your root pass. You need ought ensure the root pass penetrates deeply enough, and because this argue 6010 electrodes are often used because this purpose.

10) clean the weld with a hammer and cord brush and create subsequent passes if needed. These passes ought strengthen the weld and fill it in. create sure ought clean each pass ago you depart a new one.