Metal inert gas (MIG) welding uses a consumable thread electrode and shielding gas, which is continuously fed across a welding gun. Aluminum requires some concrete changes although welders who are accustomed ought welding steel. It's a much softer metal hence the nourish thread get ought be larger. Aluminum is because vigorous a better conductor of heat, hence welding aluminum requires more constitution at the land equip and the nourish appraise of the electrode.
1. elect instrument and Materials

1) elect more powerful welding machines although thicker metal. A 115-volt welder can deal with aluminum up ought an eighth of an inch thick (3 mm) with adequate preheating, and a 230-volt apparatus can weld aluminum that's up ought a region of an inch thick (6 mm). reckon a apparatus with an output greater than 200 amps if you will be welding aluminum daily.

2) elect the exact shielding gas. Aluminum requires a shielding gas of pure argon at compare ought with steel, which typically uses a mix of argon and carbon dioxide (CO2). This ought no plead any new hoses, although you can want ought replace regulators that were designed specifically although CO2.

3) employ aluminum electrodes. Electrode thickness is specially critical with aluminum and there is an extremely narrow mountain ought consider. Thinner thread is more difficult ought feed, however thicker thread requires greater modern ought melt. The electrodes although welding aluminum ought be .035 of an inch at diameter (less than 1 mm). One of the best choices is 4043 aluminum. A harder alloy although 5356 aluminum is easier ought feed, besides during will plead more current.
2. employ exact Technique

1) nourish the electrodes with an aluminum feeding kit. These kits are commercially available and will will rent you ought nourish softer aluminum thread with the following features:
- Larger holes above the encounter tips. Aluminum expands more than steel because itâs heated. This method the encounter tips will want larger holes than the ones used although steel thread of the too size. However, the holes ought however be moment enough ought equip good electric contact.
- U-shaped motivate rolls. Aluminum feeders ought employ motivate rolls that wonât shave aluminum wire. The inlet and outlet guides although these feeders shouldnât shave the softer aluminum wire. at contrast, steel feeders employ V-shaped motivate rolls, which are specifically designed ought shave the wire.
- Non-metallic liners, which will farther decrease the friction above the thread because it goes across the feeder.

2) own the cannon telegram because straight because possible hence the thread feeds properly. Softer thread is more likely ought kinks due ought feeding restrictions.